Chugach Arts Council
"To encourage and support the arts for the people and communities in and around the Chugach National Forest"

Why Art?

The study of the arts is essential to basic education, according to the State of Alaska.  Civilizations are remembered by their arts. It is the richest and most far-reaching expressions of human creativity, thought and emotion.  There is no know civilization, from prehistoric times to today, in which the arts was not important.

The State of Alaska requires every Alaskan student to have some experience in the arts so that they might have a broad & complete education in order to compete in the world of today and tomorrow.

The arts encourage many fine academic traits while allowing open-ended, creative work.  The arts require self-discipline, perseverance and hard work.  It helps build basic thinking skills and develop problem solving abilities.  Statistically, students involved in arts classes score higher on nationally scored exams than students who are not.  In addition, the arts promote skills necessary to the workplace, such as the abilities to work with others and to manage time and resources and cross cultural understanding.

Like life, success in the arts may only be achieved after a very long, sustained effort; failure is seen as a step in the learning process.

While all this is true for children, it is equally true for adults.  It is never too late to learn.  It is never to late to unleash your inner artist.

Arts  have been components of high-impact economic development programs by assisting state and local governments in many ways according to the National Governors Association.   Restoration and revitalization of communities can be facilitated through vibrant arts communities.  Human and cultural resources can be leveraged to generate economic vitality in under performing areas through tourism, crafts & attractions.  As a centerpiece for community redevelopment and renewal, the arts can bring new life.

The Arts are emerging as a potent force in the economic life of cities and rural areas nationwide and assuming an import amt roles a direct and indirect contributor to economies.  It can contribute to an areas quality of life by making them more attractive, more innovative and more inclusive.