Some time ago, Poetry Magazine was generous enough to donate several back issues of their publication. CAC reached out to several corrections departments to offer these for use in writing and creative programs for inmates. As with all things dealing with the corrections system, progress is slow. But recently we connected with several dynamic individuals involved in worthwhile projects associated with Re Entry Coalitions.
Ninety-five percent of inmates in state and federal prisons will be released eventually, and studies have consistently shown high rates of recidivism. Various reports indicate anywhere from 50 – 80 % of inmates will re-offend and return to incarceration. Not only does that cost our communities dollars, but damages families and increases the odds of the next generations following that path.
While the success of reentry depends on many factors such as employment, health, housing, substance abuse, education, family and attitude. Every individual is different. But creativity and the arts can help develop skills, awareness, confidence and improve relationships. We are pleased to share these books of poetry to inspire, enlighten and encourage those souls that will one day be out among us struggling to find meaning and purpose.